Complex Care

Complex care is protracted care for patients with severe and recurring healthcare concerns i.e., prolonged sickness and abnormalities, usually developed after undergoing emergency care or hospitalization. Such intensive care is offered to patients with Health Conditions like Brain Impairment, Spinal cord degeneration or injuries, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, epilepsy, gastrostomy feed requirements, learning disabilities, motor neuron disease, Huntington’s disease, tracheostomy care, cerebral palsy, locked-in syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, adrenoleukodystrophy, autistic spectrum disorders, and respiratory conditions involving invasive and non-invasive ventilation.

The carers in complex care must be skilled in a variety of specialized nursing techniques to learn how to care for an individual requiring complex care and to prevent any incidents that could result in unintentional injury to the patient. The kind of training that must be received by the carer is determined by the exigencies of the patient. Also, the carers must strive hard to assist patients in living functional and purposeful lives at any probable time.


Our professionally carers are overseen by a qualified nurse with experience in critical care. Even before the package begins, the certified nurse assures the client’s family about all the at-hand essential components, ranging from the apparatus to the post-discharge protocols.

Why Realcare Health Services for Complex Care?

As mentioned above, carers can only serve the patients if they are competent enough in specialized care methods i.e., tracheostomy care, nasopharyngeal suctioning, oral suctioning, enteral/PEG feeding, gastrostomy feeding, stoma care, oxygen treatment, and bowel management. Finding carers with adequate expertise for each patient’s unique complex care requirements can be difficult for the patient and their family. Therefore, in such situations, Real Care Health Services come forward and offer essential, high-quality care for patients with complex care needs.

Guidelines for Complex Care Cares Care plan

A carer managing the case of a new patient for the first time can use a care plan i.e., the account for the patient’s medical history, prescriptions, and other relevant information to understand them better which also lends credence to the care delivered.

Keeping a registry of symptoms and medications preserved for a long time significantly facilitates the exchange of this information with the doctors and other healthcare staff.